As I See You, Blowing in the Wind
As I see you, blowing in the wind
who is the community of Kalamazoo College
what majesty rests between our walls
what meaning can we give to each other
The wind blows us like pollen but
We all stay at the same wall.
strong. All blowing in the same wind
blowing in the same direction
we were never a tree with its roots
stretching beneath the earth
we are not that stagnant
we are more mobile
our roots extend farther than we could imagine
the pollen blows as far as we want
a community who cannot be put into words
who remains strong
that breaks conventions.
Almost beyond explanation
this installation is the best way
that we can express our community
It is not our place to intervene with nature
to pick up a dandelion and blow away it’s pollen.
Maybe it is not our place to say
It is that of the K community
We will continue to grow our responses to these questions in a way that is
as natural as the dandelion sprouting.
This installation is created by Molly Roberts, Annika Canavero, Amy Kim and Olivia Fairbank from Professor Chatton’s class of Francophone Cinema of Spring 2021